“Love Me Tender… Love Me True” – Elvis Presley

Hobby – Habit – Addiction

Whatever I am to him, I do not know. It’s not my business to know, until he chooses to confront my heart with his…

Though he dares speak my name to others… I don’t hear him say it to me.

Though he asks others about me… he has never chosen to speak to me, face to face…

Though he seeks to know me… my likes , dislikes and the ways of my heart… he has never asked my heart to speak to his, eye to eye.

There are so many crimes in love and I think the biggest crime is never taking that leap to look into my eyes with yours, that you may allow yourself to be vulnerable in my presence and show your heart to mine…

A letter to every man that think about love and me and chooses the excuses of his own insecurities over that great leap of faith love truly is…

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